January 11, 2012

A brand new year!

Hi reader,
This year I don't have a all bunch of good resolutions, the to-do list is always longer but sometimes you know it's just fine to get back at what we already accomplished, so today 2011 in pictures!

In 2011 I:

- realized I finally or already found my true love

- met/discovered a special funny someone who actually became a real good friend in February

- got my violin back on practice in may

- got an apartment with my Prince in June

- stopped getting involved in students associations and started to take care of myself still in June

- I adopted a turtle in July

- cut off my dreadlocks after five years and an half of good services also in July

- went to Paris with my boyfriend and cousin and discovered wonderful places such as "la Droguerie" and "le Marché St Pierre" still in July

- I discovered Montpellier and the Pyrenees in August

- met an old friend I had not seen in years and who I truly missed in August in Montpellier

- I got the most lovely kitty at the end of that month

- got back on horse riding at the beginning of September
this is the place I ride at!
- joined the University orchestra (still September)

- I started to do sports on regular basis (still September)

- made my doctors tour: took care of my skin, got my back back in place and started a cholesterol free diet all this in September and beginning of October
yes that IS what I think
- lost 16 pounds! I'm today lighter than when I was 16 all this between October and December

- I finished my paperwork and became an American citizen in November

- I started to knit again the same month

- I had three Christmas instead of one and an half with two amazing families 

- I made huge projects for 2012

And in 2012 I should or would like to be:
- more active in this wonderful blogosphere which is so useful sometimes
- more productive on a daily basis

Here we are reader, a big happy new year kiss to you!


  1. I was there, I was there :D

  2. Vindedieu qu'j'ai l'air engoncé dans ma jacket ^^
    Moi aussi je suis bien content qu'on ce soit trouvé cette année passée. Tu (Vous en fait :)) extraordinaire, je ne connais personne qui te ressemble de prêt ou de loin, tellement tu es spéciale :) et je me rends compte que parfois on a besoin de gens qui nous raccroche à une certaine réalité et qui nous rende différent et p-e meilleur. Je pense que vous êtes ces personnes là pour moi.
    Voila, j’ai finis ma déclaration d’amour mnt, jvais chialer dans mon coin en me remémorant la beauté de mes paroles ;) bisous

  3. Petite larme! Oh François c'est beau ce que tu dis! :)

  4. Finalement à quoi ça sert les bonnes résolutions de nouvelles année hein, quand de toute façon tout ce que l'on n'avait pas prévu va être ENCORE plus extraordinaire ! Une année bien remplie qui finit, voyons voir ce que réserve la prochaine :D
    Gros bisous et bravo pour toutes ces belles photos vraiment bien choisies.

    Ps : ça fait vraiment bizarre les dreads maintenant ^^
